Our Community

Our service units are constantly present in the communities that we service.

commitment to community safety

This year we will attempt to reach out to local public safety agencies to assist them in helping to keep communities safe.
In collaboration with ACPOA (www.acopa.ca) and Community Neighbourhood Watch (www.neighbourhoodprotect.ca), our staff is trained to look out for and report all suspicious activities to the proper authorities.

commUnity involvement & sponsorship

We have developed a special fundraising program that we could offer to any community-based non-profit organization in our service area. The program is open to women’s groups, church groups, seniors clubs, daycare centers, and youth sports associations, please contact us for more info.

Helping end homelessness

A portion of our proceeds will be donated to the Raising the Roof Campaign. This group works to create long-term solutions to ending homelessness in Canada. We participate in several fundraising initiatives, including the Toque Campaign: